目的 :研究非肥胖型糖尿病小鼠 (nonobesediabeticmouse ,NOD)唾液总流率 ;颌下腺造影及病理表现。材料及方法 :本研究将 5 6只NOD小鼠分 9周、16周、2 0周及 2 4周 4个不同年龄组测定其唾液总流率 ,颌下腺造影及颌下腺病理学研究 ,用 32只Balb/c小鼠分同样年龄组进行对照。结果 :NOD小鼠唾液总流率随年龄增大而下降 ,Balb/c小鼠则变化不大。 2 0周以后NOD小鼠颌下腺造影有造影剂外溢 ,排空功能明显迟缓。 9周NOD小鼠颌下腺见淋巴细胞浸润 ,随年龄增长 ,淋巴细胞浸润加重。结论 :NOD小鼠涎腺的形态及功能均明显受累 ,与人类SS表现类似。
Objective:To study total saliva flow rate,sialographic and pathologic changes of salivary glands in nonobese diabetic (NOD)mice.Materials and Methods:Fifty-six NOD mice and 32 Balb/c mice were included in this stndy.The mice were divided into four groups based on their age of 9?16?20?24 weeks.Total saliva total saliva flow rate,sialography and patholoyical examinarion of submandibular gland were performed.Results:Total saliva flow rate decreased with age in NOD mice,while no significant change was found in total saliva flow rate in differet age of Balb/c mice.Sialographic findings of submandebular gland showed medium leakage and marked delayed function in NOD mice aged over 20 weeks.Lympholyte focus infiltration was found in submandibular gland of NOD mice aged over 9 weeks,the grade of lymphocyte infiltration increased with the age.Conclusion:NOD mice present marked functional and morphological changes of salivary glands.
Beijing Journal of Stomatology