目的 探讨鼻内窥镜电视监视系统应用于喉显微手术示教和治疗喉良性病变的效果。方法 选择适当病例,在鼻内窥镜电视系统监视下行支撑喉镜手术,对见习生、进修生、研究生和住院医生进行现场示教,观察术后疗效,评估教学效果。结果 这种手术方法治疗效果满意,教学效果好。结论应用鼻内窥镜监视系统进行喉显微手术,可满意治疗喉良性疾病,并具好的教学效果。
Objective To develop a better way of demonstration teaching for laryngomicrosurgery on begin laryngeal lesions. Methods Nasal endoscopic monitor system was used to show the operating process on cases with benign laryngeal lesions. The operation was carried out through self-retaining laryngoscope with an 0° nasal endo-scope inserting into the side of laryngoscope to substitute for the cold light source of it. Then, interns were watching the surgical process on the monitor of nasal endoscope. Re-sults The operating process of larygnyomicrosurgery was clearly shown on the monitor and the efficiency of the system on demonistration teaching of laryngeal surgery had been highly valued by interns based on a questionnaire survey. Conclusion Nasal endo-scopic monitor system can satisfactorily be used to carry out larygomicrosurgery on be-nign laryngeal lesions with satisfactory effect on demonstration teaching for the operat-ing process.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine