促进农村富余劳动力有序转移,根本出路在于推动农村劳动力向非农产业转移,加快城市化进程;促进城市化健康发展,关键是要消除体制和政策障碍,在打破城乡分割、建立市场经济体制下的城乡关系方面取得重大突破 ;保持流动就业农民原有土地承包关系的稳定,从而保持农村乃至整个社会的稳定,加强职业技能培训,是促进农村富裕劳动力有序转移的重要保障。
The solution to this question isthe promotion of non-farm jobs for the rural labor so as to accelerate the healthyurbanization process by eliminating the institutional and policy barriers in the rural-urban house registration segregation and by making breakthrough in rural-urban rela-tions in a market economy situation. The stability of the land responsibility system ofthe peasants employed in urban jobs is a guarantee to the rural and social stability.And vocational training facilitates the orderly transformation of the better off rural resi-dents to urban residents.
China Opening Journal