根据食品中常用防腐剂本甲酸和山梨酸及甜味剂糖精钠在紫外区均有吸收的特点 ,建立了一种以紫外分光光度法为基础对该三组分同时测定的方法 ,光谱数据采用作者自编的径向人工神经网络MATLAB程序进行处理。苯甲酸、山梨酸和糖精钠的平均标准偏差分别为 1 .60 %、5 .2 3%和1 .2 1 %。回收率大为 95 .0 - 1 0 2 .0 %之间。将该法应用于食品中二组分的测定 。
A sensitive method was presented for the determination of benzoic acid,sorbic acid and saccharin sodium.The spectrophotometric data between 200nm and 290nm were collected at 2nm intervals and then fed into a computer and processed by a Radial Basis Network using program written in MATLAB.Relative predictive errors arel.60%?5.23%and 1.21%,respectively.Such method was employed to delermine benzoic acid and saccharin sodium in foods.with recoveries of 95.0%-105.0%.
Jiangxi Chemical Industry