目的 :探讨瑞文标准推理测验对受试者成绩真实性的评估价值。方法 :比较分析伪装与非伪装两组脑外伤患者瑞文测验的五个分测验分、总分及测验斜率的复相关系数的差异及其特征。结果 :①两组患者A、B、C、D四个分测验及总分的均数差异均有显著性 ;分测验E差异无显著性。②以P <0 .0 5为水准 ,伪装组中测验斜率值(R2 ) <0 .6 4 8者显著多于非伪装者 ;而非伪装组中测验斜率值≥ 0 .6 4 8者显著多于伪装者。结论
Objective: To evaluate Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM) for assessing validity of test performance. Methods: To compare the results of RSPM between head injured patients with and without malingering. Results:①There were significant differences in the performance between the two groups of patients in subtests A,B,C and D of RSPM. There was no significant difference on subtest E. ②Based on p <0.05, the number of malingering patients with an obliquity (R2)<0.648 were significantly more than that of the non-malingerers. By contrast, the number of non-malingerers patients with an obliquity ≥ 0.648 were significantly more than that of the malingerers. Conclusion: The progressive decrease on the 5 subtests and obliquity rate of RSPM may aid in assessing validity of test performance.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology