目的:回顾性阅读眼眶CT 1354例,总结、归纳CT征:铸型征的临床意义。方法:参阅1354例眼眶CT片,选择出现铸型征的CT图像,将其病因分类并讨论其在眼眶病中诊断与鉴别诊断的意义。结果:在1354例眼眶CF中,发现123例出现铸型征,按其病因大致分为:血管性疾病45例,占36.5%;恶性肿瘤40例,占29.5%;眼眶非特异性炎症和慢性炎症27例,占21.9%;其他有11例,占8.9%。结论:铸型征是眼眶CT中一种特异性征象,对眼眶病的诊断有重要价值。结合其他影像检查,对某些疾病可以做出定性诊断。
Objective: To analyze the clinical significance of molding sign on CT scan.Methods: 1354 CT scans of orbital diseases were retrospectively studied. A image sign was summarized and named as 'molding sign'.The causes of the sign were classified and its clinical potential was discussed.Results: Of 1354 CT scans, 123 show molding sign, the causes appeared in three aspects: vasculogenic tumors and malformations were45 eyes (36.5%), malignant tumors 40 eyes (29.5%), and idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor and chronic inflammation ofthe orbit 27 eyes (21.9%), the rest were 11 eyes.Conclusions: Molding sign is an important sign in CT scan of orbital diseases, it might make a characteristic diagnosis in orbital diseases.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology