目的 :探讨胎教调节母体的内外环境 ,促进胎儿发育 ,提高人类素质 ,达到优生。方法 :孕前进行胎教知识宣传 ,孕期、围产期施行胎教并进行整个孕期的监护。采用胎教与饮食结构、分娩方式、产科并发症、产后喂养情况、新生儿体重以及儿童动作、语言发育等项分组比较。结果 :5 0名妇女中有 40名在胎教时胎动增加 ,5 0名在听胎教音乐时感到心情舒畅 ,有 30名生后新生儿当日至 1月在哭闹时听到胎教音乐哭声停止能安静入睡或吃奶 ,胎教可以减少产科并发症的发生 ,提高新生儿体重 ,(P <0 .0 1) ,胎教儿较对照组儿童爱唱、爱跳 ,易于接受他人。结论 :孕期进行胎教可以减少产科并发症的发生 ,提高新生儿体重 ,可以刺激胎儿感觉器官的发育 。
Objective:The fetal teaching that can regulates the internal and external environment of parent substance,accelerate the fetal development are discussed.As a result it enhances human quality and aristogenesis have come true.Methods:Pregestational aristogenesis and fetal teaching knowledge were spread.In the gestational period the periodic perinatal care and the fetal teaching instructions were given.For every couple schedules of life of gestational period were issued,and they were monitored in all time.perinatal situations were observed and fetal teaching children followup were done.Reslult:The fetal movement increases in 40 of 50 pregnant women,when hearing the fetal teaching music 50 pregnant women felt glad.From 1 day to 1 month 30 new-born stopped crying and ate milk until they heard the fetal teaching music.Obstetrical complications were reduced and neonates weights in-creasesd by the fetal teaching.Compared with the control groups fetal teaching children can like singing,dancing and receiving other children.Conclusion:The fetal teaching can reduce obstestrical complications and that is and incentive to developing of sense organs,specially music fetal teaching can make infants sensible.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Fetal teaching
Clinical Applications.