Objective:To introduce an improved Tennsion's method for repairing unilateral con genital cleft lip.Methods:Analysing the design and postoperative result of the traditional Tennsion's method,and compared with the result of the improved Tennsion's method.Results:Note that the traditional Tennsion' s method had a defect of resecting upp er lip tissue excessively,and recon structed an unideal philtrum crest.The modified Tennsion's method reformed the operational design of traditional method,and a natomized the orbicular muscle of mouth,reconstructed the p hiltrum crest.Conclusion:The modified Tennsion's method whic h has been related in this paper can widen the upper lip,reconstruct the philtrum ridge,rehabilitate th e function of the orbicularis oris.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine