余杭市位于沪嘉杭地区 ,对今后众多内陆中小城市的发展有一定的预示性 .选取城市化程度不同的 6个乡镇 ,以城市人口数 /总人口数作为城市化的指标 ,以地理信息系统GIS(软件MapInfo)为手段 ,利用 1∶10 0 0 0山林植被现状图及森林资源二类调查报告等相关图件资料 ,结合实地调查 ,林种作为森林景观分类标准 ,建立余杭森林资源景观数据图库 .在此基础上 ,通过对景观破碎化指数、景观斑块密度、景观周长面积比、蔓延度指数、景观多样性指数、景观要素优势度指数、均匀度指数等 7类景观格局指标 ,对余杭地区不同城市化程度下 6个乡镇的森林景观格局进行了研究 .发现城市化过程主要影响景观破碎度 ,景观形状即景观周长面积比与斑块密度也有明显变化 ,而森林景观多样性指数、优势度指数和均匀度指数主要受农林生产及宏观调控的影响 。
Yuhang was selected as a case study for understanding the developments of middle and small towns in China. Six towns of Yuhang at different levels of urbanization were investigated. The GIS technique supported by MapInfo software was used to digitize the forest maps with a scale of 1∶10 000, and to construct a database of the forest landscape based on the related data of forest resources provided by local forestry department. Landscape patterns of the six towns were analyzed using landscape fragmentation index ( F ), landscape patch density ( P ), the ratio of landscape perimeter to area ( K ), landscape contagion index ( C ), landscape diversity index ( H ), landscape dominance index ( D ), and landscape evenness index ( E ). The results showed that F, K and P increased tremendously during urbanization, while H, D and E were affected more by the economic management factors of forestry and agriculture than that by the urbanization levels.
Journal of Fudan University:Natural Science
国家自然科学基金重点资助项目<沪嘉杭地区城镇发展的区域生态服务功能及调控机理>(39930 0 4 0 )