目的 研究蔺草染土粉尘对工人健康的影响。方法 采用横断面整群抽样 ,对所选工厂进行劳动卫生学调查 ,并对 6 6 1名作业工人进行问卷和健康检查。结果 蔺草加工业主要引起严重的粉尘污染 ,总尘平均浓度为 2 0 .0 0mg/m3 ,呼吸性粉尘平均浓度为 8.2 2mg/m3 。车间积尘平均游离SiO2 含量为 2 5 .6 %。在作业工人中发现Ⅰ期及以上蔺草染土尘肺 9例 [其中Ⅱ期 1例 (小阴影聚集 ) ]、0 + 8例 ;X线胸片阳性 (1/0以上 )检出率为 2 .5 7%,与接尘工龄、粉尘浓度密切相关 (分别为r =1.15 6 ,P <0 .0 0 1;r =0 .10 6 ,P =0 .0 0 6 ) ;咳嗽、咯痰等症状与接触蔺草染土粉尘有趋势相关 (分别为r=0 .0 85 ,P =0 .0 2 8;r=0 .0 94,P =0 .0 16 )。结论 蔺草染土尘肺在我国首次报道 ,作业工人肺X线胸片阳性检出率与接触蔺草染土粉尘存在一定的剂量 -效应关系 ;工人咳嗽、咯痰与粉尘接触有关。蔺草染土致尘肺的机制有待于进一步调查。
Objective To evaluate the effect of exposure to rush-mat dust on the health of workers. Methods A cross sectional study of 661 workers(349 men,312 women) from 35 rush-mat plants was carried out by using occupational health investigation,questionnare and physical examination. Results The geometric mean total dust concentration in the workshop was up to 20.00 mg/m 3,and the geometric mean respirable dust concentration reached 8.22 mg/m 3.The mean free SiO 2 concentration of accumulated dust was 25.6%.The prevalence of radiographic small opacities profusion category≥1/0,according to the China Classification for pneumoconiosis(GB 5906-2000),and compared with the ILO 1980 system,was 2.57%.Even more,one man had category 2 pneumoconiosis with progressive massive fibrosis.However,the incidence of pneumoconiosis(1/0 at least) was correlated with work duration and dust concentration(r=1.156,P<0.001;r=0.106,P=0.006,respectively).Some positive correlations were found between the incidence of cough or expectoration and occupational exposure(r=0.085,P=0.028;r=0.094,P=0.016,respectively). Conclusion To our knowledge,this is the first report of rush pneumoconiosis in China.The results have offered the possibility of a dose-response relationship between rush-mat dust and pneumoconiosis.More investigation in this area is need.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases
日中医学会基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 0年 )
宁波市科研攻关资助项目( 990 44)