
BCG/恶性疟MSP-2、CSP多价疫苗免疫小鼠应答类型研究 被引量:2

Studies on immune response type using BCG vaccination encoding Plasmodium falciparum MSP-2 and CSP in BALB/c mice model
摘要 目的 探讨恶性疟原虫FCC 1/HN株裂殖子表面蛋白 2 (MSP 2 )和环子孢子蛋白 (CSP)与BCG多价疫苗在小鼠体内诱导的免疫应答的特性及抗感染的保护性免疫机制。方法 将重组pBCG/MSP 2和pBCG/CSP多价疫苗经皮下注射BALB/c小鼠 ,小鼠经多价疫苗免疫 8周后 ,用流式细胞仪分析脾脏T淋巴细胞的分化 ,并体外培养脾脏细胞 ,用夹心ELISA法测定IFN γ和IL 2的产生 ;用血清学方法测定免疫鼠IgG抗体的动态变化 ,在体外测定抗体介导的抑制实验。结果 与对照组相比 ,疫苗组CD4 + 和CD8+ T淋巴细胞有显著性的增高 ,体外培养的脾脏细胞IFN γ有高浓度的分泌。同时 ,免疫鼠血清对疟原虫抗原都表现了较高水平的IgG类抗体反应 ,抗体对原虫的增殖产生明显抑制。结论 恶性疟原虫FCC 1/HNpBCG/MSP Objective To explore immune response characteristics and protective immune mechanism induced by vaccination of the recombinant BCG polyvalent vaccine, which consists of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP 2) and/or cirumsporozoite protein(CSP), in BALB/c mice. Methods The recombinant BCG which expresses shuttle pBCG/MSP 2 and/or pBCG/CSP was injected subcutaneously into mice. Eight weeks after immunization T lymphocyte subsets were analyzed by FCM; and spleen cells were cultured so as to detect cytokine production, and specific IgG antibodies to MSP 2 and CSP were measured from immunized mice. Results CD4 +, CD8 + T lymphocytes have significantly increased compared with the control mice, and IFN γ production has also significantly increased in vitro culture, meanwhile, specific IgG antibody to Plasmodium falciparum was significantly increased. Conclusion Vaccination of the recombinant BCG consisting of Plasmodium falciparum FCC 1/HN pBCG/MSP 2 and/or pBCG/CSP could induce T H1 type of immune response. [
出处 《中华微生物学和免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期291-294,共4页 Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
关键词 恶生疟原虫 裂殖子表面蛋白-2 环子孢子蛋白 BCG多价疫苗 免疫应答 疟疾 Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite surface protein 2 Cirumsporozoite protein
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