目的 明确中国人群中Bcl 2基因多态是否与系统性红斑狼疮 (SLE)相关 ,检测Bcl 2与IL 10易感等位基因间是否存在协同作用。方法 通过荧光标记微卫星分型技术对 2 32个SLE核心家系及 10 6例正常对照进行Bcl 2微卫星的基因分型。结果 (1)两组对象Bcl 2等位基因和主要基因型分布频率差异有显著意义 (P值分别为 0 0 0 1和 0 0 0 3) ;(2 )Bcl 2等位基因存在传递不平衡 ,Bcl 2 195bp等位基因从父母优势传递给患病子代 (传递 :不传递 =12 2 :82 ,P =0 0 0 5 1) ;(3)同时携带Bcl 2 195bp和IL 10G138bp易感等位基因的个体较单独携带Bcl 2 195bp或IL 10G138bp的个体 ,患病的危险性增加 (OR值分别为 3 0 0 ,1 77和 1 0 7)。结论 Bcl 2基因多态与SLE发病相关 ,其可能直接参与SLE发病或与附近某个易感位点存在连锁不平衡。Bcl 2与IL
Objective To study the association between bcl 2 gene polymorphism and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Chinese and detect the synergism between IL 10 and bcl 2 genotypes in determining susceptibility to SLE. Methods The peripheral white blood cells from 232 nucler families of SLE and 106 ethnically matched normal controls were collected and the DNA extracted. The allelic distribution of one microsatellite located in Bcl 2 gene was determined by using fluorescent labeled primer and genotying method. Results (1) The distribution frequency of Bcl 2 alleles and its major genotypes were significantly different between SLE group and normal controls( P =0.001 and 0.0029 respectively). (2) Transmission disequilibrium existed in Bcl 2 alleles. Bcl 2 195 bp allele was preferentially transmitted to affected offspring (t: non t =122:82, P =0.0051) by TDT approach. Individuals carrying specific genotypes with both Bcl 2 195 bp allele and IL 10G138 bp allele were at higher risk of developing SLE than those carrying only Bcl 2 195 bp allele or IL 10G138 bp allele ( OR =3.00,1.77,1.07 respectively). Conclusion Bcl 2 gene polymorphism is associated with SLE and may be directly involved in the process of SLE or in linkage disequilibrium with some susceptibility loci nearby. Synergistic effect may exist between IL 10 and bcl 2 genotypes in determining susceptibility to SLE.
National Medical Journal of China
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (3 973 0 43 0
3 0 0 0 0 15 4)
上海市卫生系统百名跨世纪优秀学科带头人培养计划(99BR0 0 7)
上海市科技发展基金项目 (0 1JC14 0 2 9)