针对胡庆油田目前生产中存在的常规深抽工艺满足不了油田进一步挖潜的问题 ,引进了深抽减载装置 ,并在现场进行了推广应用。根据减载装置自身的特殊结构及工作原理 ,油井应用深抽减载装置后 ,降低了抽油机井悬点载荷 ,节能降耗 ;利用常规的管、杆、泵、抽油机 ,可以大幅度加深泵挂 ,放大生产压差 ,增加原油产量 ,提高经济效益。深抽减载装置是一种节能、增产的新工艺 ,特别是在超深井中应用效果更加明显 。
For conventional rod pump deepening techniques can't meet the need of oilfield production,rod load reducer is introduced into Huqing Oilfield and applied in situ.On the basis of the structure and operation principle of rod load reducer,after rod load reducer is used in oil well,it can reduce jack load of pumping well and save energy.Meanwhile,the pump setting depth can be deepened,producing pressure drawdown can be increased,crude output and economic benefit can be improved by using conventional tubing,rod pump,rod and beam unit.Rod load reducer is a new technology of energy-saving and production-increasing and the effect of its application in ultra deep well is especially prominent.
Drilling & Production Technology