目的 探讨隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩所致乳房硬化的治疗方法 ,以及治疗后再次挛缩的预防措施。方法 经乳晕切口 ,楔形切除囊腔基底与囊壁间部分包膜及纤维性愈合组织 ,囊腔壁做放射状切开松解 ;术后早期进行充分有效地按摩。结果 本组 2 6例 ,术后 17例随访半年以上 ,效果满意。结论 对挛缩包膜进行剥离松解后 ,楔形切除基底与腔壁间纤维组织 ,使假体在适宜大小腔隙内平滑移动而不受阻碍 ,加之早期充分有效地按摩 。
Objective\ To explore the treatment of breast sclerosis caused by capsular contracture after augmentation mammaplasty ,and preventive measures after the treatment to avoid the recurrence. Methods\ With the incision through periareola, a part of the fibrous capsule and fibrillate tissue which is between the base of the capsula and the wall of the capsula were resected in the shape of wedge. At the same time , the wall of the capsular cavity was incised in radiant shape to relax it .After operation ,the early and effective massage should be fully used. Results\ 17 case of 26 case were given follow-up over half a year ,the results were satisfactory. Conclusions\ After capsular contracture was relaxed and a part of the fibrous capsula between the base and the wall of the capsular cavity was resected in the shape of wedge , the prosthesis can be moved smoothly in the suitable cavity without any obstruction.In addition to the early and effective massage after operation ,the methods might reach the ideal results.\;
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery