分析了各种不确定性推理的方法和特点 ,并结合失效分析领域知识的表达方式 ,提出了失效分析辅助专家系统不确定性推理的方法 ,即在应用失效基础知识和逻辑推理进行辅助失效分析时 ,宜采用经典概率和加权可信度的不确定性推理方法 ;在应用案例知识进行类比推理时则宜采用基于框架的不确定性推理。
On the basis of studying the characteristics of various uncertainty reasoning methods as well as the way of failure analysis knowledge representation, the algorithm of uncertainty reasoning and reliability of aided failure analysis are proposed in this paper. The classical probability based method is suitable for describing the strength of backward chaining rules, and certainty factor for describing the strength of forward chaining rules. As for the failure case knowledge, case adaptation implies its uncertainty reasoning. The reliability of conclusion is obtained through uncertainty reasoning. The procedure of uncertainty reasoning is also given in this paper.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)