实验选用BALB/c小鼠作为感染对象,经腹腔接种10 LD_(50)HSV-10.3ml,24h内即可出现病毒血症,并持续到小鼠死亡。同时在肝、脾分离到病毒,48h后在肺、肾组织中分离到病毒,120h后在脑组织中分离到病毒。所分离的病毒经免疫荧光,ELISA法检测确属HSV-1。感染小鼠均在120h~144h内全部死亡,死前有麻痹等脑炎症状。电镜下可见脑组织有炎性病理变化,并在细胞内。外找见典型的HSV颗粒。
In this study, the BALB/c mice were chosed asan animal model and infected by inoculating lOLd_(50)HSV-1 0.3ml into the abnominal cavity. Viremia ap-peared within 24h, and lasted until the mice's death.The viruses were isolated in the liver and spleen within24h, in the lungs and kidney after 48h, in the brainafter 120h, The isolated viruses were identified to behHSV-1.A11 of the infected mice died between 120 and144h, accompanying the symptoms of the encephilitissuch as convultions and paralysis, etc. The obvious in-flammatory pathological changes were observed underthe electron microscope and the typical HSV particleswere found both inside and outside the nucleus of thebrain cells.
Journal of Xi'an Medical University(Chinese)