苏秦和于连都是新旧转型交替时期的弄潮儿 ,都是狂热的追名逐利的野心家 ,都生活在唯利是图、人情淡薄的虚伪社会里 ,都不惜一切代价去夺取荣誉和地位。苏秦的朝秦暮楚与于连的不择手段之间的区别在于 :(1)苏秦处在“言利而富于进取”的礼崩乐坏的时代 ,可谓“遇时” ;于连处在金钱和门第的力量渐显的时代 ,可谓“不遇时” ;(2 )苏秦抓住不拘一格的社会机遇 ,通过个人奋斗 ,“学而优则仕” ;于连则生活在门第和金钱主宰的社会里 ,这就意味着很难有出头之日。
Su Qin and Zulien were reformers at the turn of new and old times.They were both ambitious.They were in a hypocritical society.They strove for honour and position at all costs.The differences between Su Qin and Zulien lie in the fact that Su Qin was in the times of reforming traditional ideas,so he had a good luck and managed to get what he wanted by hardworking,while Zulien was in a society in which money and ranks were everything,so he was doomed to fail.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology