丑恶的环境扭曲了潘金莲的人性 ,使其美好的天赋和正当的追求朝着畸形的方向发展。生活给予她的是禁欲与纵欲的双重刺激 ,命运对她既不稍存怜悯 ,又不顾及公道 ,是命运之神将她长期地钉在耻辱柱上。为了争风夺宠 ,她绞尽脑汁 ,耍尽手段 ,一步步滑向堕落的深渊 ,变成了只知纵欲。
The vile conditions twist Pan Jinlian's nature, which makes her gift and proper pursuit developing in a lopsided way. Life brings her nothing but a stimulant to both being ascetic and indulging in sensual pleasure. Destiny has no pity on her, treats her unfairly and makes her insulted. She degenerates and becomes an evil spirit in order to scramble for favor.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology