
拟南芥膜相关蛋白基因CP5的克隆及其表达研究 被引量:2

Cloning and Expression Analysis of a New Membrane Associated Protein Gene CP5 from Arabidopsis
摘要 CP5是利用人ACA血清筛选拟南芥cDNA文库的过程中克隆的一个新基因 ,GenBank注册号为AF130 2 5 3。Blast软件比对表明它位于拟南芥的第一条染色体上 ,氨基酸序列与动物的磷脂酰胆碱转移蛋白的同源性为 2 5 %。软件预测它是一种膜蛋白。Southern杂交结果表明CP5在拟南芥基因组中为单拷贝。原位杂交结果表明CP5mR NA在根部主要在根的皮层 ,在叶片和叶柄组织中在维管组织附近的细胞 ,花序基部成熟小花中、内果皮和成熟的种子中高表达。兔抗CP5的多克隆抗体识别拟南芥愈伤组织中2 7 5KD抗原 ;游离原生质体的间接免疫荧光结果表明CP5主要定位在核膜、内质网和质膜等膜系统上。 We cloned a new gene, designated CP5 (GenBank accession number AF130253), from Arabidopsis thaliana by screening a cDNA expression library using ACA (anti centromere/kinetochore autoantibody) serum The amino acid sequence encoded by CP5 shares~25% identities with mammalian phosphatidylcholine transfer protein Blast homology search of the A thaliana genome database suggests that CP5 is located on chromosome 1 Southern blot analysis detected a single band indicating that it is a single copy gene In situ hybridization experiments revealed strong CP5 expression in the following tissues: the cortex of root, perivascular cells of lamina and petiole, mature flowers at the base of inflorescence, inner pericarp and mature seeds Indirect immunofluorescence analysis, by using rabbit polyclonal antiserum against CP5 protein, showed cellular staining of the membranes of nuclei, endoplasmic reticulum and plasmolemma These results indicate that CP5 may function as a membrane protein
出处 《高技术通讯》 EI CAS CSCD 2002年第5期50-55,共6页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 国家自然科学基金 (3 943 0 0 80 ) 国家重点基础研究 (G19990 5 3 90 1)资助项目
关键词 CP5 膜蛋白 拟南芥 基因克隆 基因表达 血清 CREST综合症 进行性系统性硬皮病 PSS CP5 , Membrane protein, Arabidopsis thaliana
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