
再探草坪的起源与演化及其概念——中文·汉语的“草坪”一词及其他 被引量:4

Second Probe on Origin and Evolution of Lawn and Turf and It's Conception:Lawn and Turf in Chinese Charactersand Language
摘要 初步考证中文·汉语的“草坪”一词及相关文史资料。再次证明中国自古分布有天然草坪。文字记载早在西汉武帝建元年间 (公元前 138年 )已大面积栽培草坪 ,于今至少有 2 139年历史。当时的草坪科学技术水平已有相当高度 ,发现并选用了结缕草 (Zoysiaspp .) [或狗牙根 (Cynodondactylon) ]和“戾莎 (Carexspp .)”等草坪草 ;发明了大面积整理地形、地貌及平整土地 ,针对不同生活型的草坪草采取“布”或“攒”等不同的建植草坪方式。嗣后 2 0 0 0年 ,处于移植天然草坪为“人工草坪” ,向人工草坪演化的过渡阶段。期间 ,于南齐·昏侯 (499~ 5 0 1)又发明了“满铺草坯”建植草坪等技术。所有的发现、发明不仅沿用至今 ,而且导致清道光朝 (182 1~ 185 1)诞生了中国式人工草坪。现代草坪缘鸦片战争 (184 0 )而传入。相伴近、现代草坪的普及 ,于清道光、咸丰年间 (184 0~ 186 1) ,市郊农村已有“草坪专业户”与“草坯专业户” ,至 2 0世纪 5 0~ 70年代 ,“草坪”一词先后被列入“词 (辞 )典”和“百科全书”等。  中文·汉语自古以来的草坪概念“平的草地” ,“长草若毛 ,‘剥’取似皮的草地表层”都清楚地规定了 It's a preliminary textual research to Lawn and Turf in Chinese charactersand Language and other relative events. It is proved once again that natural lawn and Turf are scattered in old China. The large scale lawn and Turf recorded cultured in China history was at 138 B.C., or 2139 years age. At that time, the science and technology of Lawn and Turf had reached to an aduanced level, Zoysia spp (or Cynodon dactylon) and Carex spp. were found and selected, large scale topography and landforms was put in order and land was leveled. Lawn and Turf was plantes accwording to different life forms of 'Lawn and Turf plants'by 'collecting the rhizoneand the stolon and planting for a criss cross netwook(布)'on 'using the tiller to make vigorous grass standing up straighi (攒)'. The next two thousond years was a transition periodof transplanting'natural lawn and turf to the 'technical lawn and turf'. During the period, at 499~501 A.D., Chinese 'paved ground with sod (满铺草坯)'. The methods mentioned above were used up to today. Chinse technical lawn and turf was born during the period from 1821 to 1851 A.D. The term of current lawn and Turf came to china from the opium war (from 1840 to 1842), and spreaded in the period from 1840 to 1861. At that time there were farmers who planted lawn and turf in suburb. The term of lawn and Turf was recorded in dictionary and encyolopaedia in the period from 1950s to 1970s. continually. The meaning of lawn and turf in Chinese chareters and language is smooth grassland and grass growing like hair and covering ground as the skin of surface soil. These clearly prove that the lawn and turf may be considered one type of the grassland.
作者 陈志一
机构地区 江苏省农林学校
出处 《草原与草坪》 CAS 2002年第1期7-12,共6页 Grassland and Turf
关键词 草坪 起源 演化 概念 chinese charactersand language lawn and turf orign and evolution conecption
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