Based on garden-plot cultivation and laboratory observation, thenative and introduced species of Triticum have been studied taxono-mically by using the methods of morphology, anatomy as well as ofpalynology. Having analysed the classificatory values and the evolu-tionary trends of the characters of external morphology, leaf epider-mis, pollen grain and starch grain, the authors consider that the shapeof spike and glume, the length of long-cell, the presence or absenceand the distribution of prickle-hair and macrohair, the structure ofaperture, and the size and the quantity of starch grain are important basis for the classification of the species in Triticum. Furthermore,the variational trends of the thickening of the spike, the extension ofthe long-cell, the widening of the annulus, the enlargement and themultiplication of the starch grain coincide with the evolutionary tren-ds from low level to high level, or from wild type to cultivated typein this genus. Synthetically compared in the classificatory values and the evolu-tionary trends of these characters, the genus Triticum may be divid-ed into three sections with fifteen species in total, namely, Sect. I.Monococcon Dum.: 2 species, T. boeoticum Boiss. and T. monococcumL.; Sect. Ⅱ. Kiharae Dorofeev and Migusch.: 3 species, T. timophe-evii (Zhuk.) Zhuk., T. militinae Zhuk. et Migush. and T. macha De-kapr. et Menabde; Sect. Ⅲ. Triticum: 10 species, T. dicoccon(Schrank)Schuebl., T. araraticum Jakubz., T. polonicum L., T. durum Desf.,T. turgidum L., T. carthlicum Nevski, T. petropavlovskyi Udacz. et Mi-gusch., T. spelta L., T. aestivum L. and T. compactum Host. Some spe-cies of the past treatment, sucn as T. zhukovskyi Menabde et Ericzjan,T. palaeocolchicum Men., T. dicoccoides Kǒrn. ex Schweinf., T. turani-cum Jakubz., and T. vavilovii Jakubz., were incorporated into the abo-ve-mentioned species respectively as new combination or new rank.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
Leaf epidermis
Starch grain