利用平顶山矿区废弃地栓皮栎人工纯林标准地资料 ,模拟出各测树因子的生长模型 ,研究林分生长过程、龄组的划分 ,确定数量成熟龄及林分蓄积量 ,并提出了该地区第一次间伐的时间及主伐年龄。
Based on the data of Quercus variavilis pure plantation stand obtained from abandoned mining area in Ping Dingshan, lots of mean sample-tree,dominant tree and so on are selected and measured. The factors of forest measurement,including height of tree,diameter breast-high and volume,the growth of forest crop and division of age composition, are researched. Meanwhile, maturity age and volume of standing forest are calculated and put forward. It indicates that the age of thinning is from nine to seventeen years and the main crop age or maturity age is 67 years.
Henan Science