住宅建筑整体性设计要求提高 ,相应地现浇砼楼板越来越常采用。施工过程中楼板裂缝的产生较为普遍 ,本文针对某住宅楼建筑现浇砼楼板裂缝 ,进行的裂缝原因分析和计算 ,对同类建筑裂缝的控制和处理具有一定的工程参考价值。
The cast-in-place slab will be used in dwelling building more and more in order to rise the monolithic stiffness of building. The cracks of the slabs are common existed in the process of construction. In the thesis, the analysis and calculation of cracks reasons produced on the slabs are taken to counter the cast-in-place slab cracks produced for a dwelling building, and the result may be used to control and deal with slabs cracks of similar buildings.
Henan Science