在优选饲料酸化剂———健酸肥的配方基础上 ,测定了健酸肥对仔猪饲料 pH值的降低效果 ;通过饲喂实验表明 :0 .15 %~ 0 .2 %的健酸肥对改善断奶仔猪肠道微生物区系、降低腹泻率、提高采食量、日增重等方面都有十分明显的防病促生长效果。健酸肥与复合酶、抗生素、益生素等合用有协同增效作用 ;同时进一步证实 ,健酸肥对生长肥育猪、肉鸡、产蛋鸡的生产性能也有明显促进作用。
In this study, we developed a new and excellent feed acidifier--JianSuanFei;After optimizating the prescription of JianSuanFei, we tested the pH value reduction range of the piglet forage by JianSuanFei addition; Through the raise experiments ,we confirmed that JianSuanFei have a remarkable improving influence on the early-weaned piglets: the improvement of the microbial flora in the digestive tract;the decrease of diarrhoea rate;the increase of the capacity for eating and the body weight each day etc. and that JianSuanFei have a synergetic combination effect with antibiotics?feeding complex enzyme and probiotics etc. Our raise trials revealed that JianSuanFei also have a improving effect on the productive performance of the growing-finishing pigs?broilers and layers.
Henan Science