目的 :系统评价Ferguson手术在治疗婴幼儿先天性髋关节脱位的临床意义和价值。方法 :综合分析 40例共 5 0髋 ,采用Ferguson手术治疗先天性髋关节脱位 ,并与 32例共 42髋 ,采用传统的保守治疗方法 ,两者进行比较。按全国小儿髋关节学术会议上制定的标准进行评价。结果 :Ferguson手术组的优良率为 92 % ,高于传统保守治疗组 73% ,(P <0 .0 1)。Ferguson手术组股骨头无菌性坏死率为 8% ,低于传统保守治疗组 31% ,(P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :Ferguson手术是一种安全有效的治疗先天性髋关节脱位的方法 ,建议推广运用 ,特别是对婴幼儿保守治疗失败的病例应选用Ferguson手术方法进行治疗。
Objective: In order to evaluate clinical significance,of the Ferguson's operation was systematically evaluated in children less than 3 years old with congenital dislocation of the hip.Method:40 cases (50 hips)with dislocation of the hip were operated by Ferguson's operation,while the control,32 cases (42 hips)were treated traditional conservative regime.The data were comprehensive analyzed.Result:The effective ratio of cases operated by Ferguson's operation(92%)is more than the ratio of cases with conservative therapy(73%)( p <0.01).The incidence rate of avascular necrosis of femoral head(8%)in cases operated by Ferguson's operation is less than in cases with conservative regime(31%)( p <0.05).Conclusion:Instead of the traditional conservative method which including adductor cutting of and closed reduction,Ferguson's operation is a safe and effective therapy for congenital dislocation of hip,especially benefit for children who fail in conservative regime.
Orthopedic Journal of China
湖南省卫生厅科研基金资助 (课题编号 :9773)