控制风流是矿井火灾时期救灾的最有效手段之一。笔者研究并提供了两种风流远程控制系统 :一种以压气作为动力源 ,利用矿井环境监测系统传输控制命令 ,通过电磁阀控制气缸实施对井下风门的远程控制 ;另一种以电力为动力源 ,利用井下电话线传输控制命令 ,通过对电机开关的控制 ,实现对风门开启的远程控制。值得推荐并具有创新性的技术是这两种控风系统的风门控制器 ,均用单片机开发 ,具有智能分析功能、远程控制和自动检测、监测特点 ,既可进行远程手动控制 ,又可实现程序控制。这两种风门远程控制系统已在兖州南屯、枣庄柴里等煤矿应用并获得成功 。
Air control is one of the most effective methods for fire fighting during mine fire. Two kinds of airflow remote control systems have been introduced. One uses the compressed air as the power source, and transmits control signals by a monitor system for mine environment. The other one uses electric power and transmits control signals through the underground telephone network. The mine door controllers of the remote airflow controlling systems are developed with a single chip microcomputer. The controller not only can do logical analysis and judgement, but also has a strong anti-disturbance ability and sufficient reliability. Two kinds of airflow remote control system have been successfully applied in Nantun Coal Mine of Yanzhou and Caili Coal Mine of Zaozhuang, etc., which provide a modern technical method for fire fighting.
China Safety Science Journal
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (基金号 :5 9876 0 4 5 )