为保证铁路工程项目有效实施 ,必须前瞻性地考虑其实施及运营过程中的环境影响 ,从决策源头上控制环境污染的产生 ,对其开展战略环境评价。战略环境评价是促进铁路基础设施与环境协调发展的有效工具 ,是实现铁路工程可持续发展的关键环节。本文在对铁路工程决策进行生命过程及社会经济与环境效益分析的基础上 ,论述了对铁路工程进行战略环境评价的必要性 ,以保证从源头上控制环境影响及促进基础设施与环境的协调发展。以青藏铁路为例 ,在探讨青藏铁路施工期和运营期环境影响的基础上 ,建立战略环境评价的影响矩阵 ,明确青藏铁路工程施工期和运营期对生态环境、大气和水的直接和次生影响 。
The present article aims at discussing the importance and necessity of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) before launching a railway construction project. There is a general consensus on the SEA's need, both at the broad policy making level and at a level of preparing more specific programs and development plans, if the goals of sustainability are to be assured. So, as is known, SEA is defined as 'the formalized, systematic and comprehensive process of evaluating the environmental impacts of a policy, plan or program (short for 3P) and its alternatives on the actual implementation of the project. Hence, it is essential to prepare a well prepared written report on the investigation findings from the assessment and the probable measures to be taken to ensure the feasibility of the next step public accountable decisions'. In particular, SEA is a pro active process, to ensure the full integration of environmental considerations into the appropriate earliest stage policy, plan or program (short for 3P's) development, in accordance with the actual state economic and social requirements. In the course of construction and operation, environmental impacts can be considered pro actively so as to reduce as much as possible the environmental pollution. Therefore, it can be said that the strategic environmental assessment should be an effective tool for harmonizing railway construction and environmental protection. To achieve the above purpose, it is the key link to keep the railway sustainable in use. On the basis of analyzing a railway's life cycle and socioeconomic and environmental benefits, the authors of this paper dissertate the essentiality of strategic environmental assessment on a railway engineering project to assure the control of the environmental impacts concerned at the beginning of decision making and the harmony of the socioeconomic and environmental development. As a case study, the paper has chosen Qingzang railway project as an example for analysis. According to environmental impacts in the process of construction and operation, the impacts matrix of strategic environmental assessment has been established, and the catabatic measures on the environmental impacts are also put forward.
Journal of Safety and Environment
railway engineering
strategic environmental assessment
Qingzang railway