在行驶中动态识别道路坡度的大小是采用电控机械自动变速器的车辆实现智能换挡控制的重要环节之一 ,也是目前的一大技术难题 .针对这一问题 ,提出了采用多个传感器信息融合来识别坡度角的方法 ,建立了数学模型 ,并对识别误差进行了分析 .
The dynamical identification of road grade angle is one of important techniques for vehicle using an automated mechanical transmission with intelligent shift control,when the vehicle is traveling on sloping road,and is also a difficult technology at present.To solve the problem,in this paper,a method of identifying dynamically grade angle by means of multi sensor information fusion is proposed,a mathematics model is given and the error of fusion result is analyzed.
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University
教育部博士点基金资助 (970 6 110 4 )