介绍了激光多普勒测速技术在燃气轮机燃烧室内部流场测试的应用 ,阐述了 L DA的基本原理和模型燃烧室内光学路径的实现方法。同时作者利用双相位多普勒分析仪 Dual PDA(Dual Phase DopplerAnem om eter)对模型燃烧室内部流场进行了二维冷态测试 ,获得了大量的原始数据 ,为深入研究燃烧室内部气流特性提供了实验基础。
This paper has given an application of laser velocimetry in gas turbine combustor measurement.The principle governing LDA measurement and development of optical path inside model combustor have been introduced.A 6 Beam 3 component DualPDA(Dantec) system was used to measure mean and turbulent velocities in an axisymmetric model combustor.Current experimental studies of conbustor 2 D isothermal flowfield will provide a data base for further theoretical and numerical investigation on gas turbine combustor.
Gas Turbine Technology