对 日喀则地区的春小麦20个新老品种进行了两年的试验观察.结果表明:1.近三十年来育种的主要成效是,缩短了分蘖期,加长了拔节期和灌浆期;降低了分蘖穗数和株高;育成了前期短,中、后期长的中晚熟,中高杆、中杆,抗倒伏,经济系数较高,以主茎穗为主,大穗多粒,千粒重高,抗锈病和散黑穗病的高产良种.当前大面积利用的五个良种,在增产中发挥了平均为33.25%的作用.2.今后的育种方向应为:在保持和提高现有育种成效的基础上,加强优质、抗逆抗病、高经济系数、分蘖成穗率高、灌浆速度快等优良性状的选育.以培育高产、优质、稳产、综合性状优良的新品种.3.要重视生产条件的改善,及充分发挥良种的增产潜力.
20 old and new varieties of spring wheat in Xigaze Prefecture were observed for two years. The result showed as follows:1.The main effects of breeding in last 30 years were shortened the tillering stage and lenthened the jointing and milking stage,reduced the number of tilling spike and shortened the plant height, a series improved varieties had been bred thereby. They had more merits, such as the initial growth stage was shorter, the middle and late stage were longer, the maturity was middle and late type, the plant height was middle 01 higher but lodging resistant. They had high eoonomic efficiency, biger spikes on the main stem, more grain and heavy 1000-grain. They had resistance to wheat grass rust and smut. The late of yield increase in 5 spreading varieties at present were by 33.25%.In future,the characteristics to improve should be lay emphasis on the good quality,resistance to adverse and disease, high economic efficient, high peicentage of earbearing tiller and fast filling rate. Simultaneously, the cultural condition should be improved to bring the yield potential into full play.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Spring wheat, Effect of performance improvement, Xigeze of Tibet