中国为 2 0 0 3年开始的“整合大洋钻探”制定了本国的初步学术计划 ,确定了研究目标、领域及组织部署 ,在有关部委和国家自然科学基金委的共同支持下 ,力争建成一支西太平洋深海基础研究的主力队伍 ,使我国地球科学进入海陆结合和国际接轨的新局面 ,在古环境研究。
China has made a preliminary academic plan for IODP that will begin in 2003. In the plan, research targets, fields and organizations of the drilling program are determined. Under the support of the departments concerned and the National Natural Scientific Foundation, a main team for deep sea (the West Pacific) basic researches will be set up to carry China's geoscience into a new stage concerning sea land combination and home abroad link, and to make new progresses in the studies of paleoenvironment, formation and evolution of the marginal seas in the West Pacific, focal zones, deep sea biosphere and sub seafloor resources.
Marine Geology Letters