大洋钻探计划 ( ODP)结束以后实施的整合大洋钻探计划 ( IODP)与以往钻探计划不同的是将以多个钻探平台为主 ,其航次将进入过去 ODP无法进入的地区 ,将在古环境、海底资源 (包括气体水合物 )、地震机制、大洋岩石圈、海平面变化、深部生物圈等研究方面有所突破。从 ODP到IODP有一过渡机构—— ISAS,于 2 0 0 1年 6月开始运作 ,到 IODP开始实施时结束使命。 ISAS将负责航次建议书的接受与评估、确保 ODP到 IODP的平稳过渡及负责与
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) that will be carried out after ODP is different from the previous drilling programs because it is mainly operated by multiple drilling platforms and its legs will be performed in areas where ODP is not able to approach. IODP will go much deeper into the researches on paleoenvironment, seafloor resources (including gas hydrate), earthquake mechanisms, oceanic lithosphere, sea level changes and deep sea biosphere. There is a transitional organ from ODP to IODP-ISAS, which went to work in June 2001 and ends its work at the beginning of IODP. The organ is responsible for the evaluations of leg suggestions and other activities related to IODP.
Marine Geology Letters