随着相对定位精度及其稳定性的提高,现行测量规范对各等级控制测量规定的相邻点的最短距离和最短观测时GPSGPSGPS段长度已不尽合理。根据对观测试验数据的处理与分析结果,用标称精度为±()的接收机,以Ashtech Z-12GPS5 mm+1ppmGPS2个观测时段、每个时段快速静态定位观测,进行相邻点距离小于的短基线平面控制测量,可以达到三等三角网的精度,30 min1 km点位精度可优于。据此,对测量规范中的有关技术规定提出了修订意见。该项试验成果对用户合理制定短基线平面控1 cmGPSGPS制测量方案,也有一定的参考价值。
With improvement of relative positioning precision and stability of GPS. the minimum distance between adiacent points and the minimum observation time which the current GPS surveying criterion requires in control survey ateach order are unreasonable. In the paper the author makes suggestionsfor revision of some related stipulations listed in the current GPS surveying criterion based on many observations and experiments
Mine Surveying