A total of 34508 adult female mosquitoes belonging to 34 species of 8 genera were captured from Jinghong,Menghai and Mengla Counties, Xishuangbanna prefecture,Yunnan province, China. During the night,the 21 species mosquitoes were collected in the rural stable and nearby regions and the superior mosquito species were Culex fuscocephalus and C. tritaeniorhynchus. During the day, the 25 species mosquitoes were collected in the bamboo forest and the superior mosquito species were Aedes annandalei and Ae. albopictus. Mosquitoes captured were examined by C6/36 cell method and suckling mouse method. Twenty five strains of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus were isolated from C. tritaeniorhynchus (8 strains). C.whitmorei(4 strains), C. pseudovishnui (3 strains), C.annulus (1 strain), C. fuscocephalus (1 strain), Anopheles sinensis (3 strains), Ae. vexans (2 strains), Ae. albopictus (1 strain), Ae. lineatopennis (1 strain) and Mansonia uniformis (1 strain). These results indicated that C. trtaeniorhynchus was the main transmitting vector of JE virus in Xishuangbanna, while C. whitniorei and C. pseudovishnui were also important transmitting vector of JE virus in Xishuangbanna.
Journal of Medical Pest Control