目的研究急、慢性缺氧对大鼠肠系膜微循环白细胞流变学行为的影响。方法活体显微镜结合计算机图像处理系统研究白细胞的流变学行为。结果急性缺氧白细胞粘附显著增加,白细胞 -内皮细胞接触时间(TLECT)延长。而慢性缺氧白细胞粘附显著减少,沿壁滚动减少,TLECT显著缩短。结论1.急性缺氧引起肠系膜微循环白细胞流变性显著性改变 ,严重影响微循环的正常灌流,是导致血管内皮损伤的重要机制。2.与急性相比 ,慢性缺氧大鼠微循环白细胞的流变行为有明显不同,这对促进动物习服适应可能有重要作用。3.急。
Objective To investigate the effects of acute hypoxia and chronic hypoxia on the rheologic properties of leukocytes in mesentery microcirculation of rats.Methods Intravital microscopy and computer image analysis system were used to determine the rheologic properties of leukocytes in vivo.Results The number of adhesive leukocytes and rolling leukocytes in venules were significantly increased in acute hypoxic condition, and total leukocyte endothelium contact time(TLECT) was evidently extended(P<0.05),all rheologic coefficients of leukocytes in chronic hypoxia were ameliorated.Conclusions 1.Acute hypoxia had a strong impact on the rheology of leukocyte and this may be the important mechanism of endothelium damage revoked by acute hypoxia.2.Chronic hypoxia ameliorated the rheologic properties of leukocytes in rats and this may facilitate rats acclimatization.3.The obvious difference in rheologic properties of leukocytes between acute hypoxia and chronic hypoxia could relate to the change of leukocytes function and local microenvironment
Journal of Chinese Microcirculation