With the rapid development of Communication technology,introduction of deregulation, continuous increase of competitors andvariance of customer demand, the new pattern of China telecommunicationsmarket competition has been gradually in shape As a mitestone, Chinatelecommunications industry slowly manlfests its new industnat chain The upperlevel of this industrial chain Is mainly the telecom equipment manufacturers, themedium level is the operation system with the operators of basic network as themajority, the medium-low level is the virtual operators primarily engaged in rentingor purchasing partial network; the bottom level is intermediary businessesgathering of telecom retail business. agents and retailers. while at the end is thecolony of system integrators that provide cuslomers with the integrated solutionson letecom application and the information services provider. All of these constitutethe live-level chain in China telecommunications industry. Some new charactersof the industrial chain emerged gradually: the competition among equipmentmanufacturers focused on the development of intellectual property and newproducts is becoming more fierce in Chinese market: equal interconnection andintercommunication among the basic operators within be telecom operation marketis changing the market competition pattern: market subdivision and the speciallzedmarketing is becoming the main theme in telecom market competitioncomprehensive business model will become the mainstream and monopolizedprofits of incumbents will come to an end, the capitalization operation of basicoperators will outspread to the level two, three and four in operation market, soas to reach the objective of controlling the market extensively.
China Telecommunications Trade