进入 2 1世纪 ,经济全球化趋势渐次明显。科技创新成为时代对教育的要求。高等教育的战略、发展走向已成为全球关注的焦点之一。本文通过对我国和国际高等教育的现状及趋势进行分析 ,指出 2 1世纪中国高等教育发展将呈现出国际化、区域化、民营化。
At the beginning of the 21st century, economy increasingly being globalized . Science and technology innovation in education is thus called for. The strategic position and developing future of higher education have become one of the focuses of the whole world. Through analysing the present conditions and trend,this paper reveals that in the 21st century,the features of education will be globalization, regionalization, privatization, synthesization .
Modern University Education