大学教师修养是大学教师主体自主自觉长期不断地进行理想人格自我建构的社会实践活动。大学教师理想人格范型为具有德高、学高、情智高、事功高特征的人文与科学大师 ,是科学 (学术 )大师、教学大师和思想大师三者的统一体。大学教师修养过程是大学教师主体内化与外化交互作用的过程 ,也是大学教师主体不断超越现实我、趋向理想我的终身实践过程。进行科学 (学术 )研究活动、教书育人活动和社会文化批判活动是大学教师修养的根本途径和方式方法。
University teacher's self-accomplishment refers to the continual social activities that a university teacher undertakes to attain his ideal personality independently and consciously. The ideal personality model should be that of a master of both science and humanity studies, characterized with a high prestige of virtue acqierement, intelligente and achievement, and should be a trinity of a waster academician, educator and thinker. A university teacher's self-accomplishment is formed through the interactive process of the internalizing and externalizing of the subject himself and a life-long practice of constant improvement on the actual self and continuous march toward the ideal self. The fundamental approach and a basic way of a university teacher's self-accomplishment is to get actively involved in academic study, knowledge imparting, and people educating, and social cultural criticism.
Modern University Education