2002年初,在威海市环翠区召开的全区表彰大会上,民营企业老板与外资企业和国有企业的经理同台领取了政府突出贡献奖。这在环翠区已经持续两年了,而评选的惟一指标就是纳税额。2001年底,环翠区民营经济上缴税金5569万元,同比增长31%。 短短十几年时间,民营经济在环翠区已是三分天下有其一。
In a view to start the third tides of regional economy, Huancui District regards the development of the nonstate-run economy as the primary initiative power. The non-state-run enterprises can enjoy the same preferential policies as the foreign-invested enterprises. A tripartite pattern comprising the non-state-run enterprises. state-owned-enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises has been formed in Huancui District. More than 40 non-state-run enterprises have joined the reforms of state-run enterprises, which make great contributions to the local economy.