
小窗砖拱鸡舍的设计研究 被引量:1

Hen House of Brick Arch Structure With Small Windows
摘要 针对我国黄土高原山区海拔高、冬季低温持续时间长、经济基础薄弱的特点 ,为了满足蛋鸡生产的要求 ,设计建造了小窗砖拱鸡舍 ,分析并测试了鸡舍的主要环境因子参数。结果表明 ,该鸡舍冬季无需人工供暖 ,采用自然通风 ,全年舍内月平均温度为 10 .2℃~ 2 6 .5℃ ,相对湿度为 5 3.9%~ 6 2 .5 % ,CO2 浓度在 0 .15 %以下 ,造价比同期砖木结构和水泥屋顶结构的鸡舍分别低 2 9.4 %和 35 .5 %。蛋鸡生产率显著提高。适用于黄土高原地区发展养鸡业 。 According to the characteristics of the high altitude, the long period of low temperature in winter and the poor economic base in the Loess Plateau mountainous areas, the hen house of the brick arch structure with small windows was designed and built. The parameters of the primary environmental factors in the hen house were analysed and measured. The results showed that adopting the natural ventilation system but not artificial heating installation, the average month temperature in a year was within 10 2 ℃~26 5 ℃, the relative humidity was within 53 9%~62 5% and the CO 2 concentration was below 0 15% in the hen house.Moreover, the cost of building the hen house of the brick arch structure was 29 4% lower than that of the brick log structure and 35 5% lower than that of the concrete roof structure. The production performance of layers in the hen house was improved. So the hen house was suitable in the Loess Plateau areas to develop the poultry industry.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期80-83,共4页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 山西省扶贫局资助项目
关键词 砖拱鸡舍 设计 环境因子 黄土高原山区 hen house of the brick arch structure design environment factors mountainous area of the Loess Plateau
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