通过河南张店油田储层地震特征 (波阻抗 )的研究 ,预测砂体的平面分布及空间展布。在建立详细的岩电、井震响应模型的基础上 ,主要通过对地震道资料实施宽带约束反演来预测储层的空间分布 ,其基本思路是 :充分利用钻井地质和测井信息 ,补偿地震采集和处理中丢失的高低频有效信号 。
The plane distribution and spatial arrangement of sandbodies are predicted through the study of reservoir seismic properties (wave impedance) of Zhangdian Oilfield in Henan On the basis of establishing litho electric and well seismic response models , the reservoir spatial distribution is predicted mainly through the wideband constraining inversion of seismic trace data,its basic concept includes that the effective high and low frequency signals lost in seismic acquisition and processing are compensated by fully using drilling geologic and well logging information, the seismic data are inverted into the data of seismic parameters through certain inverting models
Journal of Jianghan Petroleum Institute