
电脱水技术应用于发酵产品固液分离的基础及特性 被引量:2

Liquid Removal from Fermentation Broth by Electrodewatering:Process Fundamentals
摘要 以酵母为模拟体系研究电脱水技术在发酵产品固液分离过程中的应用可行性. 考察了不同操作条件,包括酵母悬浮液初始pH、初始电导率、酵母浓度及电流强度对脱水率的影响,测定了上述条件下酵母细胞表面电动电位(即z电位)的变化规律. 研究结果表明,酵母细胞的表面电性质与电荷密度决定着电脱水过程的速率及脱水率. Water removal from fermentation broth by applying DC electric field was investigated using yeast as a model system. The effects of the operation conditions including the starting concentration, pH, conductivity and magnitude of electric potential were examined, respectively. The measurement of z-potential of yeast cells indicated the dominating role of the surface charge of yeast cells on water removal efficiency. The present study showed the potential application of this new technique to dewatering the fermentation broth in recovery of extra-cellular product.
出处 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期219-223,共5页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号: 29976020)
关键词 固液分离 发酵液 脱水 电场 电渗 电脱水 fermentation broth dewatering electric field electroosmosis electrodewatering
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