一个采用现代化炼钢和连铸设备、年产 6 0万 t方坯的紧凑型钢厂 ,于 2 0 0 0年 3月由奥钢联在埃及Adabia为苏伊士钢铁公司建成。钢厂应用新技术 ,面向国内和国际市场提供优质产品。电弧炉和连铸机的性能考核指标超过了合同保证值。在 6 4 h内共浇铸了 5 6 0 0 t方坯 ,拉速高于 4 .3m/ m
A 600000 t/a plant with state of the art steelmaking and continuous casting facilities was started up in March 2000 by VAI at Adabia in Egypt for the production of billets. The plant incorporates new technology and is designed for the production of high quality billets for both local and international markets. Contractural guarantees were exceeded during the performance tests of the Finger Shaft Furnace and 5 strand billet caster. A total of 5600 tons of billets were cast in 64 hours, corresponding to a casting speed of over 4 3 m/min.
Iron and Steel