情绪是体育学习行为的主体因素中一个极为活跃 ,极其重要的变量。情绪体验不仅决定着学生体育学习态度和心智努力方向 ,而且制约着学生体育学习动机的价值取向与动力水平。“快乐”体育教学 ,强调体育学习中积极情绪体验 ,顺应了人类情绪追求特征。
Mood is an extremely active and important varable among the leading factors in PE learning to PE majors different moods determine not only different attitudes towards lexrning and different amount of efforts thry are making but also different value orientations and level of their motivation.To conduct PE teaching in a lighthearted way emphasizes the importance of experiencing an agreeable mood in PE learning,therefore,goes with human being′s mood pursuing characteristics.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural Technology College