本文列举近几年全世界30种呼吸机的性能指标,进行了分析对比。当前呼吸机技术在原有 IPPV 及 SIMV 基础上,已成功实现了 PS、MMV、APRV、CF、MSV、BUV等重要改进。HFJV 已商品化,并存在发展潜力。本文还对呼吸机改进的呼吸生理学依据进行了原理性说明,对我国呼吸机技术的发展方向阐明了观点。
There are 30 new type of ventilators manufactured by different companies and their specffications to be listed and describted thoroughly.The ventilator technique has been devel- oped successfully in the improvement of the ventilator modes.The PS,MMV,APRV,CF,MSV, etc.have become the necessory modes used in the present ventieators.The HFJV has been commer- cial and appears notable potentialities.Some principles of respiretory physiology to be used for ex- planation of improvement of ventilator modes have also been introduced.A proposal concerning with the development of the ventilator technique in China has been recommended earnestly.
Modern Scientific Instruments