将氮气常压弧光放电产生的 N+ 在放电间隙电场的加速下“注入”到乙醇的重水溶液中 ,利用气相色谱 -质谱 (GC-MS)分析样品 ,证实有氘代产物 (DCH2 CH2 OH)和羟基取代产物 (DOCH2 CH2 OH)生成 ,这表明低能 N+ 诱发水溶液中的反应与水分子分解产生的自由基有关 .同时 ,产物中还检测到乙酸 (CH3COOD)和氨基乙醇 (HOCH2 CH2 ND2 ) ,说明反应是在氧化性氛围中进行的 ,而这种氧化作用可能亦与水分子分解产生的氢氧根自由基有关 .氨基乙醇则可能是氮离子俘获重水中的氘形成氨基继而与乙醇反应生成的 ,这也是氮“沉积”在溶液中的重要形式 .
Low energy ions were produced by N 2 glow discharge. The positive ones were accelerated into ethanol solution with D 2O as solvent to induce chemical reactions. GC MS analysis showed that DCH 2CH 2OH, HOCH 2CH 2OD were produced by such kind of implantation. Thus, it was proved that the reaction was mainly caused by radicals generated by decomposition of water molecules, D · and ·OD played an important role in the process. Meanwhile, CH 3COOD and HOCH 2CH 2ND 2 were also found in the products, so it was concluded that the reaction was carried out under an oxidative atmosphere, which was thought to be probably related to ·OD radicals, too. The capture of D from D 2O by N + to form ·ND 2 radicals was not only an initial step to produce HOCH 2CH 2ND 2 but also served as a probable pattern for 'nitrogen deposition' . All these are helpful to reveal the mechanism of the reaction induced by low energy N + implanting into solution samples.
Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :2 9772 0 3 3 )资助