我国土地、劳动力等资源相对丰富 ,市场经济体制框架基本形成 ,有一批以现代企业制度模式建立的企业和掌握现代科学技术及管理技能的人才 ,具备了经济发展的基本动力因素。经济体制改革的进一步深入 ,市场竞争机制的逐步完善和配套政策措施的健全发展 ,将进一步提高资源配置效率 ,推动中国经济腾飞。
In China, land and labor are relatively abundant. The market economic institution has been built up, with a number of modern enterprises and talents who have mastered modern science and technology and management techniques. These entitled China with a basic driving force for economic development. As the economic reform goes further, the market competition mechanism and related policies will be perfected, the resource relocation efficiency will be improved, and the Chinese economy will rise soon.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies