随着金融领域的竞争日趋激烈 ,一种银行管理新模式———银行再造应运而生。世界银行业再造经历了一个由业务流程再造 (BPR)向客户关系管理 (CRM)演变的过程 ,其核心策略主要是 :突出核心业务流程 ,实现业务流程多样化 ,形成银行与客户之间的单点接触 ,建立中心—辐射式组织结构等。加入WTO后 ,我国国有商业银行必须借鉴西方银行再造的经验 ,实施组织结构、业务流程、信息技术、银行文化和员工行为的再造 ,以实现国有商业银行的可持续发展。
With the more and more exciting competition in the financial field, a new model of banking management, i.e. Bank Reengineering, has emerged, as the times require. The reengineering of the global banking industry has gone through a history from BPR to CMR. Its core measures are: extending the core business process, realizing the diversification of business, forming the single-dot contact between banks and customers, establishing the centre-radiancy organizational structure, etc. Facing the challenge of entering the WTO, the state-owned commercial banks in China must use the experience of western banks for reference and execute the reengineering of organizational structure, business process, information technology, banking culture and staff action, in order to realize the continuous development of state-owned commercial banks.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies