人才资源是高校人力资源中的精华部分 ,必须通过激励机制充分调动其积极性、主动性和创造性。而根据激励理论的原理 ,建立高校人才激励新机制应包括 :提高高校教师收入水平 ,改革收入分配制度 ;完善教师专业技术职务评聘制度 ;优化高校人才开发的环境等。
Human resource is the core of higher education and we should offer much incentive to stimulate the creativity and enthusiasm. According to the incentive theory, a new human resource incentive mechanism should include the following aspects: increase income level of college and university teachers, reform the income distribution system, perfect the professional title evaluation system, optimize the environment of human resource development.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies