近些年来,欺侮问题已引起教育工作者的广泛关注,成为心理学尤其是发展心理学和学校心理学研究中的一个重要研究课题。西方许多国家的教育工作者为此开展了大规模的探索活动,他们就欺侮行为的产生原因提出了各种看法。本文通过实证研究,对农村初中学生的自我概念及其与欺侮行为的关系进行研究,试图揭示自我概念与欺侮行为的相关程度,为中学开展心理健康教育和预防欺侮行为发生提供理论支持。 一、研究方法 (一)取样 以广东江门初中学生为调查对象,随机选取3所初中学校863名学生进行测查。
Based on the investigation, the author have found the middle school student' s self - concept is associated with his/her bullying closely. Positive or negative self- concept has great influence on how much a student is involved in bullying. A student' s interpersonal self, physical self and emotional self can be a significant predicative indicator for his/her bullying. A student s various self- concepts can be a predicative indicator for some patters of bullying too. There are some gender differences in predicting the influence of self - concept of a middle school student on his/her general bullying pattern.
Educational Research and Experiment